Monday, October 4, 2010

The Nordkap 476 {part 5}

     the hull is starting to take shape.  I'd add skim coats of filler to the rough areas of the hull, do something else for a while till it dried and then sand.  the worst part was the first sanding....a lot of it.  when I waited for the second application to dry, I started to think about how I was going to set him up good and proper....I wanted to start doing things on the deck { can't wait}.  I have to include a short piece on the just looks so darn cute!  LOL!   the direction were very plain {I just looked at the picture} only regret is that I didn't get any "during" pictures, just some finished steps.  I put it together and threw some wood brown paint at it...and it stuck!

     while this was drying, i looked at the anchor boxes and cut out the parts for them.....and, of course...more sanding.  I knew i had some felt buttons around her somewhere......ahhh, here they are.  I put four buttons at each corner of the base and four on each of the posts.

      I couldn't help it.....I fell in love!   then I thought that i couldn' might get I made another.  I went to the hobby store, got the necessary wood and made it up.  I may put the felt buttons on it, but I haven't yet.  I want to make a plaque in the center and make a decal for it...."the Nordkap 476" is what it will say.

   and now, a sneak peak of what 'ole Nordie will look like in the next day or two.

     you can see from the shading......there's more sanding.

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